Watch The Trailer For Chris Kaman’s Adventure Reality Show “Exploring Kaman”


Chris Kaman poses for his head shots. Credit: Craig Mitchelldyer-USA TODAY Sports

Chris Kaman is a man of many talents that expands past the basketball court. From fishing to hunting, he is an avid outdoorsman which we often are able to get a glimpse of through his Twitter account. But starting October 17, we will be able to get more than a glimpse as that is when “Exploring Kaman”, Kaman’s reality online reality show starts.

The show looks ridiculous:

More information about the show can be found on the “Exploring Kaman”

Facebook page


"DescriptionChris Kaman is both an unlikely millionaire and sports star. The 7-foot, red-haired NBA All Star grew up in a working class, Michigan family, and has no interest in spending his money on nightclubs, fine dining or luxury cruises. Instead, he spends his time off the court shooting guns, racing four-wheelers, setting off fireworks of questionable legality and dragging his oddball entourage along on wild, occasionally dangerous misadventures."

"Plot OutlineExploring Kaman follows Chris and his buddies on one such adventure as they sail from Los Angeles to Central America on a 62-foot fishing boat named ’Sasquatch’ after the hirsute Kaman’s NBA nickname. Kaman has one goal: to catch a 1,000 lb. Blue Marlin. However, with little professional guidance and the strong, clashing personalities of his companions, he finds himself on an adventure wilder and weirder than he could have prepared for.Armed with just two cameras to capture the trip—one in the hands of a professional filmmaker, but the other in the hands of a delusional method actor who frequently turns the lens on himself for bizarre analysis—the unscripted tale unfolds."

With tag lines like – “When the season is over, I’m ready for an adventure.” and “The trips I take are usually not well thought out.” – the show is sure to be interesting just like Kaman.

(H/T Drew Garrison)