NBA Pokemon: Luke Ridnour is Abra

abra ridnour
abra ridnour /

Along Route 24, in Kanto, there lies the Golden Nugget bridge. Pokemon trainers will know it well, as they have to cross it, defeating multiple trainers along the way, to reach Bill’s cottage. But we are not here to talk about Bill or the Nugget Bridge other than to use them as a reference.

Next to the Golden Nugget bridge, there is a short span of grass, a place where you can train your Pokemon, and if you wish, catch some wild ones as well. Here, you might very well encounter an Abra. In fact, it is one of the only places you can encounter the psychic Pokemon. But meeting an Abra in the wild is an interesting experience for a trainer. For Abra’s are quite frightened by anything they encounter, and are quick to teleport, often escaping before they can be captured.

Now who does that sound like? Why, it’s Luke Ridnour. Ridnour has teleported all over the place this summer. First he was with the Orlando Magic, then he went to the Memphis Grizzlies, then it was off to Charlotte to join the Hornets, and finally he went up north to become a Toronto Raptor. Only that didn’t last long, as the quickly cut him, leaving him a wild NBA point guard once again. Throughout his career, Ridnour has played for the Seattle SuperSonics, the Milwaukee Bucks, the Minnesota Timberwolves, and the Charlotte Hornets. It seems he’s an expert at teleporting, just like Abra.

But just moving around isn’t the only connection between Abra and Ridnour. You see, Ridnour’s main abilities are synchronize and magic guard. Joining new teams all the time, Ridnour has to be adept at synchronizing his game to the roster and style of his new squad. And while magic guard doesn’t have the same meaning in these cases, Ridnour used to literally be a Magic guard.

So there you have it: Luke Ridnour is Abra. Confirmed.